Flipping the Scripture

How does a Baptist church in the most affluent neighborhood in Charlotte spread the word that contrary to what you may think, they’re all about inclusivity?

Creative Idea:

Attendance and membership at Myers Park Baptist Church was down. They came to us wanting a name change, we gave them a complete rebrand. With so many transplants moving to Charlotte, people didn’t really know who they were. Myers Park is one of the most affluent neighborhoods in Charlotte, North Carolina. That coupled with “Baptist Church” communicated exclusivity and conservatism. But that’s the exact opposite of what the church has been about since 1943. So after doing some strategic discovery, we felt keeping the name would actually work to our advantage when we screamed from the mountain top what they were really all about—inclusivity, community, spirituality and social justice.

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Pew Pencils

Sharing the love on social

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Sample of positive response

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Review 2
Review 3


We’re thrilled to share the transformative impact of our campaign. Attendance and membership at the church now reflect Charlotte's true racial, gender, and economic diversity, reaching far beyond the affluent neighborhood. Our efforts helped increase average weekly attendance, grow congregation membership, and boost donations. The church has also garnered multiple feature stories on the news and is now recognized as a go-to source for the national press.